
Patrícia Duarte Mateus

Software QA Engineer at MotorK

After leaving university with a Master Degree in Computer Science, Patrícia Mateus was quite unaware of which area she would like to pursue and develop a career in it. Kind of by accident, Software Quality Assurance appears in her path and she reviewed herself in that area. As such, that she's already working as QA for 10 years. She participated in different projects, with different teams and cultures, languages and ways of working, That's why she likes to talk about this area, present them to the ones that don't know that it exists and deconstruct the idea hat QA is just testing and randomly clicking buttons.

Mentorship Area: Software QA

Afternoon 2023

Quality Assurance in the Software Development Life Cycle

Sonae Auditorium | Floor 0

This talk will address what is Software QA, its purpose and job role. You'll learn about the career path of a QA, its importance and responsibility in a SDLC, interactions with other teams and roles and a brief insight into the huge number of testing possibilities.

15:00 - 16:00

Afternoon 2023

Meet the Mentor & Meet the Recruiter

Deck & Corridors

11:30 - 12:30

Morning 2023

Meet the Mentor & Meet the Recruiter

Deck & Corridors